Thursday, November 26, 2015
Today is Thanksgiving and as such I need to stop being as negative as I have been and be positive about the things I am thankful for... So, I tried doing this 30 thankful days on facebook, but I fudged and ended up missing days and just..ughhh.... SO, I'm going to put them here with PICTURES!! (1-26 at least) Mostly because I can come back here and look at it and remind myself that it's not as horrible as it seems like at times and that it can ALWAYS get worse...
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Don't assume that because I don't post about them every 30 seconds that I have forgotten any of my children. I think about them every day. Just because I don't post about them daily, doesn't mean anything except that I suffer in peace because it's my own fault. I realize you're one of the only links to my children that I have, but you need to stop rubbing it in my face. I messed up, I get it... but either forgive and move on and be an adult, or blow me off and decide you're going to stop giving me what little access you have been. I love my children. ALL of them.. ALL the time...
Monday, November 16, 2015
I want to scream and I need a trainer.... I break a sweat changing my shirt and I try talking to my counselor who's doing great but wants to focus on one thing at a time and I wanna just pour it all out and I only have an hour and I need more and now I see her every two weeks instead of every week but I don't want every other week. I'm tired of being all alone here and only having Bryan and kids. I don't even have colleagues because I can't get a job and my entire fucking life is going to hell and I'm trying to not tell and scream at everyone all the time and be a bitch but ya know.... I'm tired of everyone telling me to be positive and stop letting it get me down. Maybe I just wanna be held, invited to go out and hang out or go to the movies. I can't. Because I have nobody to watch my kids because I'm all alone aside from Bryan. I want to have friends face to face. I want my mom to be MY MOM not my sisters mom. Is she ashamed of me so bad that she's just going to replace me with her? I love my sister don't get me wrong but really?? She's mine. My mom. And yeah she's annoying and I can't stand most of the things that she's ever done to me but she's still MY MOM! And I can't vent to anyone because every time I try I get "oh I know, let me feed you my problems." I'm not looking for a game of my life's worse than yours. Maybe I just want a fucking ear to talk to. Shoulder to cry on. Maybe I'm sick and tired of being strong. Maybe I want someone to come to me. Make me a priority. Baby me.... I feel like I'm trying to search for something that doesn't exist.
My nightmares are coming back full force and I can't control them no matter how hard I try. I keep having flashbacks about him hitting me, throwing me down and kicking me. holding his hand over my throat until I started seeing stars and kicking and gurgling until the edges of my vision went blurry and darkened into blackness that crept into my point of view feeling like an ocean of hell washing over me.
Him walking in and finding me in bed after killing my daughter or dragging her to the bedroom to have her watch him kill me, or vice versa.
I don't sleep much anymore...
I just want..... Too much I guess...
Nothing I do is good enough and I'm tired of it. I go to school, can't use the degrees because nobody will hire me freelance and I can't go to a normal office environment. I also refuse to work in a mail room with hopes that one magic day I'll be an artist like the real employees.. -_- not..happening...
And another thing.... If you want me to back out just say so. Being stepped all over my some kid that doesn't know half what I know is pissing me off... Especially when she doesn't discuss anything WITH ME and can't do the tasks she's actually attempting correctly and it looks like shit!
I just want..... Too much I guess...
Nothing I do is good enough and I'm tired of it. I go to school, can't use the degrees because nobody will hire me freelance and I can't go to a normal office environment. I also refuse to work in a mail room with hopes that one magic day I'll be an artist like the real employees.. -_- not..happening...
And another thing.... If you want me to back out just say so. Being stepped all over my some kid that doesn't know half what I know is pissing me off... Especially when she doesn't discuss anything WITH ME and can't do the tasks she's actually attempting correctly and it looks like shit!
cared for,
Sunday, November 15, 2015
When I was 4 my mom moved us to another state for a guy she had met online. I don't remember much other than not wanting to leave my grandmother in Ohio. She was my only grandma and I would miss her greatly. I remember bits and pieces of the man named Phillip Meek. I remember his house looked huge to me. I remember that he had a cool treehouse in his backyard! I remember my bedroom was across the hall from his and my mom's. ....and I remember that he taught me, at 4 or 5 years old... how to straddle a man's face, among other things. I remember watching pornos with a woman in a blue wig performing fellatio, I remember him telling me if I told anyone that I would lose my mom, and I remember him touching me in places NO MAN should ever touch a woman or man without consent and never a child for any reason. Being that I just lost my grandma, I was scared, but I still told my school counselor. The school informed my mother who went to the police. The judge, being told by my mother that we lived with the offender, granted me a 10ft restraining order. Can you believe that? 10...feet... Meaning, my mom didn't have to move, I could still be in the house with this monster.
After a while my mom started to get relaxed on the restraining order and didn't make him stay away from me. I mean, how could she? My bedroom was 4ft from theirs, right across the hall. He gave me a huge bear for some reason... I think it might have been my birthday, and asked if he could give me a hug.. I was a child, I looked to my mom and she nodded her head, so I hugged this... facade of what a man is.
I remember going to counseling appointments where they put me in a room with a mirror I could see straight through at the little blinky red light on the other side. I remember the anatomically correct plush people that I was handed and asked to re-create what had been happening to me.
I hated it. I felt like I was the one in trouble. Like I was being interrogated every time I went in. I didn't want to talk about it, I wanted it to go away. But I did what I was told and showed the lady counselor.
Eventually, my mom left Phillip and got together with another man named Ron.
Ron had a kitten and he lived in a basement type apartment and we also eventually moved back to Ohio! I was excited that I was going to be around my grandma again! We lived upstairs from her in her duplex even, so it was even beter!
My grandma was an alcoholic, but she always made me feel important, never let her problems affect her relationship with me and I adored her to the moon and back twice!
One day, a while after we were living there, I remember Ron calling me into his and my moms bedroom. I was nervous still from Phillip, but I listened and did as I was told. I was in my nightgown that day. He asked me to take it off. He asked me to come to him. he said it like a question, but I knew better. I knew it wasn't. Here it was... new guy, new house, same nightmare. He touched me and licked me in placed that felt weird. I didn't like it, it was slimy and gross feeling. He told me that I'd learn to like it and that he needed to show me the right way. Told me I'd be "daddy's little girl" it would be our secret. He would lay me in the bed with him and cover me up next to him, while watching movies with my little brothers sitting right at the foot of the bed, or on the floor next to the bed, and he would be touching me. putting his fingers in places that hurt when he pushed inside.
I told my mom. After all, she was there for me last time, this would be the right thing to do. Right?
My mom told me that everything would be alright. Told me that we would handle it as a family and that we would all talk. That it would stop.
But it didn't. It continues for a long time. I decided that telling my mom didn't work. So I told my grandmother. She was outraged! Told me that she was going to make it stop. Grandma called the police and when my mom saw the car pull in, she called me upstairs. My grandma told me to listen to my mom and go up there, that she would have them knock in a few minutes. While upstairs, my mom told me that if I told the cops that my grandmother was telling the truth that the cops would take me away from my family and I'd never see my mom or brothers again.For me to lie and say that my grandma was just drunk and didn't know what she was talking about. That we would talk about it as a family, she meant it this time, she would stop it and no cops. Once again, I believed her and lied to the police for her. I was so young I didn't realize I was causing irreparable damage to my ability to tell anyone again. Ron managed to get away with this for nearly 11 years before anyone believed me again. All while my mom wouldn't listen. She would tell people I was having flashbacks from living with Phillip. I knew I wasn't lying, but it did no good because I had lied once to the police. When I was 16, my best friend, confidant, sweetheart... my everything.... listened to me. For the first time in a very long time, someone listened and wanted to help... He said he would call that night and then call the police and to be ready. I stole the cordless phone to my room and waited. When he called, I was ready, he called the police right after giving me a pep talk. Told me I could do this and that he was there for me. When the cops arrived I asked to talk to them alone. I was a teenager and not a child anymore, so I could talk to them alone finally. I didn't lie that night. I told the whole truth and they took me away. Placed me with a friend of my mom's who also didn't believe me and they started a CPS investigation. My mom sided with my abuser. The filth that had repeatedly touched, and anally raped me for a decade... my own flesh and blood MOTHER.... sided with HIM. I was so furious and hurt and just... confused.. My mom shipped me off to live with extended family I had never met and continued to stay with Ron. By this time I had 3 brothers and a sister. All I could imagine was, what would happen if he touched my sister? I found out he was also touching my brothers. I was shipped away so my mom didn't have to deal with me.
Years later my biological father came around and scared Ron off in a selfish ploy to win my mom back. After Ron was gone and I had moved out and started healing, I had already given up trying to prosecute Ron because nobody would help me and I thought it was too late. Then I found out that my mom... the woman who gave birth to me...gave me life... helped my younger brother prosecute Ron in a plea deal so she couldn't get in any trouble for allowing it to happen. This made me feel less than low. Beyond gone.. My mom, abandoned me with complete strangers and allowed this....thing to touch me for most of my childhood, excused it, lied to people for him, defended his every breath... wouldn't be there when it came to me.... BUT, when my brother needed her voice... she was all in... This led to questions like
Why doesn't my mom love me?
Why wouldn't she help me?
What's wrong with me?
Is she ashamed of me?
What did I do so wrong?
Did I deserve it?
Was she in on it?
Why doesn't my mommy love me like she loves them?
none of these questions will ever have answers.... ever.... because when I ask them... she deflects.
I recently found out that my mom is FRIENDS on Facebook with Phillip Meek!
When I asked her how she could do that. Why she'd do that. Why is she friends with a man who could hurt her child so.... her response was that I don't have the right to tell her who she can and can't be friends with.
and I'M the child!!????
and I'M the child!!????
I decided right then that I wouldn't let anyone feel that way. Not my kids, not friends kids, no child at any age should feel like the ones that are around them, don't care. Boy, Girl, Man, Woman, Child, Adult.... Everyone deserves someone to be there for them and help them through everything.Nobody deserves the things I went through. Nobody should feel like their mom doesn't care about them.
pushed aside,
Saturday, August 29, 2015
I'm so glad that you can't pay your rent and need utility help, and complain that your food stamps went down again, and your car is broken and you can't afford a new one or to repair the one you have, but you can afford to go all over hell's creation. Can't be bothered to save up to come to my wedding, but you have the money to go on a road trip.
Am I not important?
I live all the way across the country.
Someone I've never met, ever in my life, is excited and has said more about my wedding and seeing me and visiting than you have. 😢 I just got caught up on my rent and it's due again with this next check, so my daughter will be starting kindergarten without a few things on her list. Do you know how bad that feels? No, because someone's always been there to bail you out one way or another. But I haven't complained to you about it. Because if you're not bitching about something, you're not happy.
If you don't care about him, stop checking up on him.
If you can't afford your rent, don't go on road trips.
"I can't pay all my bills but I am buying wine."
I receive food stamps. I don't smoke. I don't drink. I haven't really gotten anything out of my pocket for myself in MONTHS. Because we can't afford it. Simple as that.
But see, I can't talk to you about these things, because you'll defend your actions, call me irrational or jealous or whatever, and stop talking to me. And then I'll fall into my emotional pit again. And I'm tired of losing people. So I'll just keep it here and to myself. Eventually it'll go away. It always does.
Thursday, August 27, 2015
I think about you all the time. How we talked about weddings. And the fun we had when we were kids. Helping you with your homework. You trying to teach me how to dance lol. I can't believe it's been a month since my entire world shifted. It's not the first time, never thought I'd be getting that call. Just goes to show you.... You need to live life each day as it comes because tomorrow isn't promised. :( I love you Kristine. Always and forever cuz. ❤️💛💚💙💜
Thursday, August 20, 2015
I can breathe......
My kids can't help it.....
They don't understand....
They don't do it on purpose...
They are trying their best...
My version of counting to 10:
1. When he/she is calm he/she will listen.
2. I am the adult and as such must remain calm or they never will.
3. Just because they're loud and crying doesn't mean you're wrong.
4. Just because they're quiet and still doesn't mean you're right.
5. I love my kids.
6. They love me.
They're doing their best.
***deep breath***
7. Ignore the meltdown, he/she can't control themselves.
8. They're screaming out of frustration not pain. Don't let his/her hands go, she/he will hurt themselves.
9. They are doing the best they know how.
10. You're a good mom, you're doing the best you can.
This doesn't always work. And I try as hard as I can... But some days, I just want to let them do what they want and say screw it. I'll clean the house later. >_<
But today is not that day.
I woke up this morning curled up in a ball at the end of the bed (Bryan stole all blankets in his sleep) woke up, freezing, tampon overflowing, feeling gross, took a shower, conditioned hair. Forgot to wash it before conditioning it. Separated laundry. Kid i was to babysit showed up. I tripped and fell. Kids got up, refused to clean anything. I put laundry in and got it going (btw it's $1.25 to wash and 12mins/$.25 to dry and they're no bigger than what you'd have in a house you owned....) came back, kids hungry. Pushed hair back wards to realize I still had conditioner in my hair. *Goody...too late now...ponytail* made lunch for kids and they refused the food so I had to force them to eat it. Zinneah(babysat kid) pours cup of guava(which tastes like a cactus btw) juice all over herself. I change her. Get the juice cleaned. Both bathrooms clean. My bedroom clean. Eryn's room clean. Micah's room clean. Can't do homework because kids won't stop being assholes. Zinneah goes home. Micah goes down for a nap. Try to do homework only to be interrupted by Eryn every thirty seconds for some mundane question like "why do ducks quack" as if I'm supposed to know this shit.... I accidentally burnt rice. So I had to remake that. Micah woke up so I had to let him out. Laundry keeps taking more than $1.00 to dry, so I have to go to walgreens for more quarters that I can't afford because I have to pay bills. But I need clean clothes too so there's a huge 'HA' moment. I made dinner and Eryn is refusing to eat it altogether. And Micah is picking the rice out of the zucchini piece by piece and refusing to eat vegetables!!!!! Bryan won't be home for another three hours. I still have to go buy quarters. I want to stop being a grown up.
Oh.....AND these surgeries have stressed me out so bad, my dr thinks I have stomach ulcers.....
Saturday, August 8, 2015
Really starting to feel like nobody wants to come.
I'm important when you need me. You're supposed to be important to me when you need me. When I'm doing bad, you're time first to step in and be all "girl, you got this." But when I want to celebrate something that I'm utterly excited about that's good, you can't even mark an 'x' and put down a number, lick a strip and drop it in a box, you can't be bothered....? I even paid for the postage already! You literally have nothing else you have to do but write an x and a number and lick an envelope!!
Sunday, July 19, 2015
If there's one thing that being overweight has taught me it's not to judge someone you don't know.
As a teenager, I was a mean little piss ant.
I didn't give a shit if you could hear me laughing at your shoes or hair or weight. And I sure as hell didn't think
"OMG, what does this person think of what I'm saying!?"
But I do now. Boy do I. Everyone needs to remember that just because some looks a certain way doesn't make it their fault entirely.
Maybe someone has a lazy eye. You make fun of them, but it's not like they woke up one morning and went
"ya know what? I'm gonna make the left eye look down
and to the right all day.."
No overweight person woke up and decided to eat a truck load of twinkles one morning.
Some of us try really...really hard and nothing changes.
Weight doesn't come off,
scars don't fade;
and pain stays.
You don't know how hard I try and bust my ass and tell myself not to eat that cake because it's bad for me. But still, I weigh 278lbs.
No matter what, I weigh 278. I guess you could say it's okay cause at least I'm not getting any bigger. But when people at the gym talk behind your back about
"yeah, some fatty is pretending to run at 2.5mph"
*chuckles and high fives his buddy*
I understand that 2.5mph is considered "slow walking" on MyFitnessPal, but when it's coupled with the fact that I was walking(breathlessly run-jogging) at 2.5mph on a level 3 incline(IDK what the numbers mean height wise) and I went for 35 minutes, that's a lot! Especially for someone like me.
Today, some teenagers were in the parking lot of the store that I walked around in for 40 minutes for no reason. Just to exercise a little.
Upon getting into the truck, I saw them at me. Eyes wide. Jaws slacked. And then one of them one says
"Oh Em Gee, how can she even walk?
Her legs must be buckling from under her."
Now as much as I shouldn't let it bother me because she doesn't know me.... It did.
It hurt a lot.
Here I am. Enjoying the day. Taking pride that I burnt like 200 calories walking and this chick just couldn't stop herself. She doesn't even know how hard I try to lose weight to only stay the same weight. I sat in the truck and bawled my eyes out. Hard core just horrible.
My kids asked me what was wrong and I told them the hot was making me sad because I didn't want my kids to know someone called me a mean name.
I hope something changed soon because at this rate gonna get more and more depressed at this weight and the inability to make it leave my body.
And it's gonna kill me slowly.
Friday, July 10, 2015
Okay, so I don't normally do this, but I need a place to rant again and this seems the best place to do that.
I am a PROUD member of the BDSM community and lifestyle. I am also a domestic violence survivor and rape survivor among other things. Many people seem to think that BDSM is abuse, which.. it CAN be... but only if the so-called "Dominant" is doing things that are not of the general health, well-being, or happiness of the submissive.
In a healthy relationship, a person uses abuse on one-off occasions. You can predict that they will be caring, loving and respectful most of the time.
But in an abusive relationship, a person uses abuse and control often. You can predict that they will abuse you and that they will control you. Sometimes they are caring and loving.
I have been in GOOD D/s relationships, and I have been in BAD D/s relationships and there IS a difference!!
There is a fine line between BDSM and ABUSE/DOMESTIC VIOLENCE.
BDSM is coessential with agreed limits pre-set.
ABUSE/DOMESTIC VIOLENCE should be defined as any act against a person that is physically or emotionally demeaning.
ABUSE/DOMESTIC VIOLENCE should be defined as any act against a person that is physically or emotionally demeaning.
A Dominant will always be looking out for your best interests. A Dominant will NOT isolate you. He/She will ALWAYS be supportive of you having friends and will not want you to lose friends unless they are harmful to you or your physical/emotional/mental state.
Anyone who lives with an ongoing experience of being abused by a family or household member can become isolated as a result. For instance, the victim may withdraw from friends and family to save face or because they feel misunderstood, judged, stigmatised, or not supported. Particular tactics aimed at isolating the victim can lead women to become extremely dependent on their controlling partner.
Please for the life of everything you hold dear....
An abusive partner will use isolation as a debilitating consequence of abuse and control
Anyone who lives with an ongoing experience of being abused by a family or household member can become isolated as a result. For instance, the victim may withdraw from friends and family to save face or because they feel misunderstood, judged, stigmatised, or not supported. Particular tactics aimed at isolating the victim can lead women to become extremely dependent on their controlling partner.
If he/she tells you that you are not allowed to see certain people
Sally said, “I was not allowed to keep in touch with my male friends. I made the assumption he was jealous but he’d never admit to it – he had no comprehension that my friendship with these men did not mean I loved him any less or that they’d get more attention in any way whatsoever – it was so immature and pathetic of him and ignorant that he refused to even meet these people.”Please for the life of everything you hold dear....
Friday, July 3, 2015
Week 2: Assignment 3
Assignment 3: Two-Point Perspective Imaginary Street Scene
This assignment will familiarize you with creating an outdoor scene in two-point perspective with rectangular and triangular prisms. You will also learn how to use horizontal and vertical convergence to create depth in your scene.
By Friday, July 3, 2015, complete the drawing project and post it to this Discussion Area.
Using your pencils, paper, ruler, and your imagination, draw an outdoor street scene in two-point perspective that contains the following elements:
- A building or house with a pitched roof
- A fence, telephone poles, a row of trees, or some other vertical row of objects that uses accurate vertical convergence.
- A road, sidewalk, or some other horizontal element that uses accurate horizontal convergence.
Tips for the drawing process:
- Create an area measuring about 9x12 inches on your 18x24-inch pad of paper so you have a margin surrounding the drawing area. This will allow you to place your vanishing points outside the edges of the drawing in the margins to create a good composition that effectively uses space.
- Consider the placement of elements within the drawing to create a well-balanced composition, utilizing foreground, mid-ground, and background.
- Be sure to correctly overlap the elements in the composition, keeping in mind the placement of their bases/footprints on the ground plane.
- Even though this drawing needs to be a scene from your imagination, remember that you can use photographs as a reference to add details such as architectural elements or complex objects to your imagined scene.
- Leave your guidelines lightly sketched in, and then switch to a softer (4B, 6B) pencil to darken the finished shapes to help them stand out against the guidelines. Do not press down hard with your pencil.
My Work:
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Critique for Classmate
Your composition looks very light and hard to make out in some areas, however, the areas I can make out seem like they need some work working with the vanishing point on their opposite sides. Remember that with Two-Point Perspective, "each set of edges/lines has its own vanishing point for a total of two vanishing points for one object. In two-point perspective, one edge of a rectangular prism is parallel to the picture plane." (Glossary, 2015) I have included a guided version of your image that I think may help you see where your composition could use the help.
Works Cited"Glossary of Terms ." Perspective Drawing | FNDA120 P02. The Art Institute of Pittsburgh – Online Division , 2015. Web
Week 2: Assignment 2
Assignment 2: Basic Shapes in Two-Point Perspective
This assignment will familiarize you with the methods of two-point perspective. You will also learn how to reference the perspective grid to overlap shapes correctly in space and understand how vanishing point placement can influence a two-point perspective drawing.
By Wednesday, July 1, 2015, complete the drawing exercise and post it to this Discussion Area.
- Using your drawing pencils, paper, and ruler, first lightly draw a horizon line and label it HL. Then draw two vanishing points on either side of the horizon line and label them VP. Use the two vanishing points to fill the page with cubes, rectangular prisms, and triangular prisms in two-point perspective.
- Draw at least three examples of each basic shape: cubes, rectangular prisms, and triangular prisms. This will result in a minimum of nine shapes.
- Draw at least two triangular prisms as "pitched roofs" with equal sides on top of rectangular prisms. (Use ”perspective center X” to mark the middle of the side to place the top point of the triangle using the method described in the lecture and reading.)
- Overlap at least two shapes on the ground plane, keeping in mind the placement of their bases/footprints.
- Leave approximately half of your shapes transparent (see-through) and make the other half opaque (solid) by erasing away the hidden edges. Please do not shade the shapes to make them appear solid.
- Draw some shapes above the horizon line, some below the horizon line, and some crossing over the horizon line.
- Leave your guidelines lightly sketched in, and then switch to a softer (4B, 6B) pencil to darken the finished shapes to help them stand out against the guidelines. Do not press down hard with your pencil.
My Work:
Bridgette Bandell
Maria Ogedengbe
FNDA120 P02
1 July 2015
Assignment 2: Basic Shapes in Two-Point Perspective
For this composition, I decided to place the Horizon Line a bit low so that I had more space to work with on the top area. I placed my Vanishing Points as far away from each other as I could so that the scene was as believable as possible. I found it a lot easier to draw Two-Point Perspective than it was to draw One-Point Perspective. I made sure to check and make sure the Convergence was as precise as possible. I scanned my composition in so that you could clearly see the guidelines I used in completing my assignment. I did struggle with eyeballing the far angle on the pitched roof that is overlapping the Horizon Line due to the shape being so narrow, but all in all, I feel like I grasped this concept quite well.
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Week 1: Assignment 2 Discussion
Assignment 2: One-Point Perspective In Action
Original Work:
Instructor Feedback:
You're catching on !Some of this is really quite good, but there are other areas you can correct - see:
Your presentation looks pretty good, notice the file size we need is 72ppi and about 600 px W x 800 px H.
Revised Work:
Week 1: Assignment 3 Translating Interiors into Perspective
This assignment will familiarize you with methods used to translate a plan view and elevation view into a one-point perspective view. Observing simple objects and furniture in your own environment, you will be able to visually compare their proportions and illustrate them in your drawing. You will also learn the methods of creating a one-point perspective room interior complete with these simple interior objects.
By Friday, June 26, 2015, complete the following drawing assignment and post it to this Discussion Area.
Download and print out the plan view, elevation view, and perspective view grid templates provided below. Choose at least 4 objects found in your own home and compare the heights and widths of these objects using the sighting method discussed in this week’s lectures. Using your pencils and a ruler, translate these objects and observed measurements to your plan view and elevation view templates, creating an interior space. Be sure to keep objects consistently placed in each view of the space. Include the following:
At least 4 objects in the layout of the room, observed from your own home. Place these objects within both grid layouts. Avoid too much detail on the objects, keep the shapes basic.
One window or one door referenced in both grid layouts.
Using the completed plan view and elevation view grid templates as a guide, translate the objects of your interior to a one-point perspective view using your pencils and a ruler.
Click here to access/download the template
Submitting a revised assignment based on feedback from your instructor is strongly encouraged. This will help ensure that your assignment is completed correctly and allow you to develop your work to its fullest potential. Revisions provide an opportunity to improve your grade and are due by the end of the week. Instructor feedback on revisions will be included in the Gradebook.
Below are examples of this assignment. Copying these examples will result in a loss of points; be original in your efforts.
Monday, June 22, 2015
Week 1: - Assignment 2
Assignment 2: One-Point Perspective In Action
This assignment will familiarize you with the methods of drawing shapes in one-point perspective. You will also get a working knowledge of the three characteristics of linear perspective and how they influence depth in a drawing.
By Wednesday, June 24, 2015, complete the following drawing assignment and post it to thisDiscussion Area.
Using your drawing pencils, paper, and ruler, first lightly draw a horizon line and label it HL. Then draw one vanishing point somewhere along the horizon line and label it VP. Use that one vanishing point to fill the page with cubes, rectangular prisms, and triangular prisms drawn in one-point perspective.
Draw at least 3 examples of each basic shape: cubes, rectangular prisms, and triangular prisms. This will result in a minimum of 9 shapes.
Create shapes that demonstrate convergence and diminishing size by making a few of the shapes get smaller and closer together in the background.
Shade in the foreshortened sides of at least 2 shapes.
Ensure that some shapes are above the horizon line, some are below the horizon line, and some are crossing over the horizon line.
Leave approximately half of your shapes transparent (see-through) and make the remaining shapes opaque (solid) by erasing away the hidden edges. Do not shade in the shapes with your pencils to make them look solid.
Leave your guidelines lightly sketched in, and then switch to a softer (4B, 6B) pencil to darken the finished shapes to help them stand out against the guidelines. Do not press down hard with your pencil.
Perspective Drawing | FNDA120 P02
Week 1: Day 1 - Autobiography
By Monday, June 22, 2015, please write a quality autobiography by stating your drawing-related experience and including a pre-instructional drawing of animagined interior scene that uses one-point, two-point, or three-point perspective.
- Your autobiography should be one to two paragraphs in length and should be written using correct spelling and grammar.
- The drawing of the interior space should be invented, not based on an existing interior. Complete the drawing with pencil on paper and include the following elements:
- Furnishings.
- An adult figure (yourself, a family member, or friend)
- A light source with cast shadows
As stated, you may choose the level of perspective for your interior scene drawing. A one-point perspective view is directly facing a wall. A two-point perspective view is directly facing the corner of the room. A three-point perspective view is a very high or a very low point of view.
It is understood that this drawing will be completed with no prior direction from this course. The drawing will not be graded based on quality; it will simply be used to measure your overall growth in the course. Do your best given your current skill level and have fun with the exercise.
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Friday, February 13, 2015
I just found out that my mom... back up.
I just found out that the man who molested me from ages 6-16 is in prison for 25yrs. In Ohio. Soon to be in the same prison that my biological father (clicking the links below will show you what a grade a citizen he isn't...) is in right now.
This man (stepfather, not bio dad) is in prison for 25 years for child molestation.
my little brother filed a case against him, just like I did 13+years ago..
but this time, my mom didn't try talking anyone out of it. didn't stand up for him...
13 years ago when I was trying to put him away, my mom covered for him, lied for him, abandoned me in NC with a cousin I had just met HOURS ago, and left to life with the bastard for 5 more years before leaving him. and she didn't leave him, she told my dad he was a bad guy and my dad threatened to kill him, so stepfather left.
13yrs ago, when I needed my mommy, when I needed anyone, when I lost a great friend and more to a fucking drunk asshole in Toledo because he was coming to get me... My mother, chose him..
But when it comes down to my little brothers saying the same things I said, saying how he did things to them... She stands up for them, and acts as a witness on the agreement that she can't be charged for aiding and abedding..
I wasn't good enough to save..
but they were.
and she even lied for them...
the dates in the paper say from April 26, 1989 (she didn't gt together with him until like 1992-93ish)
my little brother was BORN on Apr 26, 1989
I burst into tears last night. Bryan heard me and came up to me nearly in tears... he thought he did something wrong
He was charged. That's a good thing. It should make me feel at least a little better right??
It doesn't... it doesn't hurt less though
the fact that my mom.... my own mother, didn't care enough about me to do it for me, but ben and kenny matter enough
I've tried talking to her like my therapist says in the past, but it gets mo nowhere...
She's told people that she thinks I was just having flashbacks from the first guy that did it to me..
the one she is currently friends with on Facebook
Philip Meek
When i asked her how she could be friends with him, her response was "You can't tell me who I can and can't be friends with."
I was like O_o really???
two weeks (approximately) after my 16th birthday... back up.... December 10, 2001, I told David what was going on with my step dad, he called the cops, I ended up being put in custody of my mos friend by police until they could investigate. Nobody believed me. the cops sent me back home a couple weeks later or something, right after my bday. Dec 20. RIGHT after Christmas, we came home from dinner at a restaurant to see a notice on the front door. It was from CPS, saying they were there and would be back, there was a court order to remove custody and me from my mother's care.
She freaked.
Drove me to NC, introduced me to my cousin I'd never met, and told me I'd be living there... taking me away from my brothers and sister. No explanation, no nothing. Backdated POA papers to be a couple days before the CPS people came by, and left me with complete strangers. I came to love them, don't get me wrong.. Patty, Kristine, and Stacie were helpful in ways they'll never understand...
but it doesn't change the fact that she chose him over me.. multiple times.
when we had to go to court, my mom stuck up for him.
got everything dismissed telling them that I wasn't mentally competent to take a lie detector test
this is the same woman who has taken away Dylan(almost 10 now) and Elizabeth(barely 9)
she has Dylan, I worry every day that she will let it happen to him... that he might have it happen to him one day... I would die inside if it did...
Elizabeth lives with her father and brothers... She has a better life with them than I could ever provide her.. I do miss her and Anthony(nearly 7) and Dylan, and Asa(barely 3) so sooo much.
I just found out that the man who molested me from ages 6-16 is in prison for 25yrs. In Ohio. Soon to be in the same prison that my biological father (clicking the links below will show you what a grade a citizen he isn't...) is in right now.
This man (stepfather, not bio dad) is in prison for 25 years for child molestation.
my little brother filed a case against him, just like I did 13+years ago..
but this time, my mom didn't try talking anyone out of it. didn't stand up for him...
13 years ago when I was trying to put him away, my mom covered for him, lied for him, abandoned me in NC with a cousin I had just met HOURS ago, and left to life with the bastard for 5 more years before leaving him. and she didn't leave him, she told my dad he was a bad guy and my dad threatened to kill him, so stepfather left.
13yrs ago, when I needed my mommy, when I needed anyone, when I lost a great friend and more to a fucking drunk asshole in Toledo because he was coming to get me... My mother, chose him..
But when it comes down to my little brothers saying the same things I said, saying how he did things to them... She stands up for them, and acts as a witness on the agreement that she can't be charged for aiding and abedding..
I wasn't good enough to save..
but they were.
and she even lied for them...
the dates in the paper say from April 26, 1989 (she didn't gt together with him until like 1992-93ish)
my little brother was BORN on Apr 26, 1989
![]() |
Click here for how I found out about it all... |
I burst into tears last night. Bryan heard me and came up to me nearly in tears... he thought he did something wrong
He was charged. That's a good thing. It should make me feel at least a little better right??
It doesn't... it doesn't hurt less though
the fact that my mom.... my own mother, didn't care enough about me to do it for me, but ben and kenny matter enough
I've tried talking to her like my therapist says in the past, but it gets mo nowhere...
She's told people that she thinks I was just having flashbacks from the first guy that did it to me..
the one she is currently friends with on Facebook
Philip Meek
When i asked her how she could be friends with him, her response was "You can't tell me who I can and can't be friends with."
I was like O_o really???
two weeks (approximately) after my 16th birthday... back up.... December 10, 2001, I told David what was going on with my step dad, he called the cops, I ended up being put in custody of my mos friend by police until they could investigate. Nobody believed me. the cops sent me back home a couple weeks later or something, right after my bday. Dec 20. RIGHT after Christmas, we came home from dinner at a restaurant to see a notice on the front door. It was from CPS, saying they were there and would be back, there was a court order to remove custody and me from my mother's care.
She freaked.
Drove me to NC, introduced me to my cousin I'd never met, and told me I'd be living there... taking me away from my brothers and sister. No explanation, no nothing. Backdated POA papers to be a couple days before the CPS people came by, and left me with complete strangers. I came to love them, don't get me wrong.. Patty, Kristine, and Stacie were helpful in ways they'll never understand...
but it doesn't change the fact that she chose him over me.. multiple times.
when we had to go to court, my mom stuck up for him.
got everything dismissed telling them that I wasn't mentally competent to take a lie detector test
this is the same woman who has taken away Dylan(almost 10 now) and Elizabeth(barely 9)
she has Dylan, I worry every day that she will let it happen to him... that he might have it happen to him one day... I would die inside if it did...
Elizabeth lives with her father and brothers... She has a better life with them than I could ever provide her.. I do miss her and Anthony(nearly 7) and Dylan, and Asa(barely 3) so sooo much.
Thursday, February 12, 2015
I need sleep. He needs sleep. But if he's hurting so bad he can't sleep, I feel bad if I do sleep. Plus, the nightmares are back... So sleep isn't really my friend right now.
Why wasn't I good enough to save?
Why didn't you stick up for me when i needed it?
Why did you let it happen for over a decade without helping me?
Why couldn't you do that for me?
Why are they better than me?
All these questions circle my mind daily...
I want to hate you. I should hate you.
But instead... I miss you.
I miss talking to you.
I wonder if I'd be different, had you been there for me when I needed it. The way I needed you.
Would I be better? Would I be worse?
Would the nightmares still come?
Would I still
Do you think it made me stronger when you didn't help me?
Do you think it helped me grow?
Did you know I still remember every detail? Every smell, every touch, every demand he made of me?
Did you know that I was scared while it was happening?
What about my sister? Did he do that to her? Did he hurt her like he hurt me?
Did she tell you like I told you?
Did you ignore her cries for help?
Why did you choose him over me? Why would you abandon me when I needed you most?
And the memories never faded..... Not even after decades passed.. It's still right up front. It still haunts me. But you won't ever care about me like I needed you to. I'm faulty. Broken. And for whatever reason... You weren't there when I needed you the most.
heart broken,
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Observational Drawing
Week 4: Assignment 1 Practice Exam
Assignment 1: Exam
Grading Summary
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