Why wasn't I good enough to save?
Why didn't you stick up for me when i needed it?
Why did you let it happen for over a decade without helping me?
Why couldn't you do that for me?
Why are they better than me?
All these questions circle my mind daily...
I want to hate you. I should hate you.
But instead... I miss you.
I miss talking to you.
I wonder if I'd be different, had you been there for me when I needed it. The way I needed you.
Would I be better? Would I be worse?
Would the nightmares still come?
Would I still be...me?
Do you think it made me stronger when you didn't help me?
Do you think it helped me grow?
Did you know I still remember every detail? Every smell, every touch, every demand he made of me?
Did you know that I was scared while it was happening?
What about my sister? Did he do that to her? Did he hurt her like he hurt me?
Did she tell you like I told you?
Did you ignore her cries for help?
Why did you choose him over me? Why would you abandon me when I needed you most?
And the memories never faded..... Not even after decades passed.. It's still right up front. It still haunts me. But you won't ever care about me like I needed you to. I'm faulty. Broken. And for whatever reason... You weren't there when I needed you the most.
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