Monday, June 22, 2015


Week 1: - Assignment 2 

Assignment 2: One-Point Perspective In Action

This assignment will familiarize you with the methods of drawing shapes in one-point perspective. You will also get a working knowledge of the three characteristics of linear perspective and how they influence depth in a drawing.

By Wednesday, June 24, 2015, complete the following drawing assignment and post it to thisDiscussion Area.

Using your drawing pencils, paper, and ruler, first lightly draw a horizon line and label it HL. Then draw one vanishing point somewhere along the horizon line and label it VP. Use that one vanishing point to fill the page with cubes, rectangular prisms, and triangular prisms drawn in one-point perspective.

Draw at least 3 examples of each basic shape: cubes, rectangular prisms, and triangular prisms. This will result in a minimum of 9 shapes.

Create shapes that demonstrate convergence and diminishing size by making a few of the shapes get smaller and closer together in the background.

Shade in the foreshortened sides of at least 2 shapes.

Ensure that some shapes are above the horizon line, some are below the horizon line, and some are crossing over the horizon line.

Leave approximately half of your shapes transparent (see-through) and make the remaining shapes opaque (solid) by erasing away the hidden edges. Do not shade in the shapes with your pencils to make them look solid.

Leave your guidelines lightly sketched in, and then switch to a softer (4B, 6B) pencil to darken the finished shapes to help them stand out against the guidelines. Do not press down hard with your pencil.

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