Thursday, August 20, 2015


I woke up this morning curled up in a ball at the end of the bed (Bryan stole all blankets in his sleep) woke up, freezing, tampon overflowing, feeling gross, took a shower, conditioned hair. Forgot to wash it before conditioning it. Separated laundry. Kid i was to babysit showed up. I tripped and fell. Kids got up, refused to clean anything. I put laundry in and got it going (btw it's $1.25 to wash and 12mins/$.25 to dry and they're no bigger than what you'd have in a house you owned....) came back, kids hungry. Pushed hair back wards to realize I still had conditioner in my hair. *Goody...too late now...ponytail* made lunch for kids and they refused the food so I had to force them to eat it. Zinneah(babysat kid) pours cup of guava(which tastes like a cactus btw) juice all over herself. I change her. Get the juice cleaned. Both bathrooms clean. My bedroom clean. Eryn's room clean. Micah's room clean. Can't do homework because kids won't stop being assholes. Zinneah goes home. Micah goes down for a nap. Try to do homework only to be interrupted by Eryn every thirty seconds for some mundane question like "why do ducks quack" as if I'm supposed to know this shit.... I accidentally burnt rice. So I had to remake that. Micah woke up so I had to let him out. Laundry keeps taking more than $1.00 to dry, so I have to go to walgreens for more quarters that I can't afford because I have to pay bills. But I need clean clothes too so there's a huge 'HA' moment. I made dinner and Eryn is refusing to eat it altogether. And Micah is picking the rice out of the zucchini piece by piece and refusing to eat vegetables!!!!! Bryan won't be home for another three hours. I still have to go buy quarters. I want to stop being a grown up. 

Oh.....AND these surgeries have stressed me out so bad, my dr thinks I have stomach ulcers.....

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