Thursday, August 20, 2015


I can breathe......
My kids can't help it.....
They don't understand....
They don't do it on purpose...
They are trying their best...

My version of counting to 10:

1. When he/she is calm he/she will listen. 
2. I am the adult and as such must remain calm or they never will. 
3. Just because they're loud and crying doesn't mean you're wrong. 
4. Just because they're quiet and still doesn't mean you're right. 
5. I love my kids. 
6. They love me. 
They're doing their best. 
***deep breath***
7. Ignore the meltdown, he/she can't control themselves. 
8. They're screaming out of frustration not pain. Don't let his/her hands go, she/he will hurt themselves. 
9. They are doing the best they know how. 
10. You're a good mom, you're doing the best you can. 

This doesn't always work. And I try as hard as I can... But some days, I just want to let them do what they want and say screw it. I'll clean the house later. >_< 

But today is not that day.

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