Thursday, January 1, 2015

Non-Resolution 2015

This year... I'm not making a resolution... Resolutions are things that people say they'll do and then a month later lax out on.... No... Not me not this time.
This year I'm making myself promises... Not resolutions.
I promise to
A.) keep kicking ass in school 
B.) get a job and keep it!!
C.) learn from my mistakes
D.) quit smoking!! (Doing okay so far)
E.) plant my roots... No more moving around.
F.) buy a car!
G.) lose weight... Even if it's just one pound, I want to try!!
H.) grow my hair back out. I miss it being long.
I.) love Bryan and our children more every day.
J.) save money for Christmas 2015
K.) help my sister visit me... She needs a vacation and I miss her.
L.) meet Mylissa finally!!
M.) love myself for just being me. It's hard for me, I swear...
N.) Do one good deed for no reason for a random person every month(more if I can)
O.) laugh every day
P.) drain the bathtub whoever I take a bath before Bryan reminds me to(just ask... He'll tell Ya lol)
Q.) have patience with my kids more often(they're kids... Yeah, it gets stressful lol)
R.) choose my battles
S.) pay my bills on time and pay back those I owe
T.) not write 2014 on everything I sign for the first few months of the new year
U.) take my meds every day without being reminded or missing a dose
V.) watch Star Wars with Bryan like i promised
W.) learn to play Magic The Gathering like I promised Bryan and Tyler i would
X.) keep all my scheduled appointments
Y.) stop being late for nearly everything I go to
Z.) be thankful for everything I have every day.
I realize it's a lot, but they are all things important to me. So instead of making a resolution.... I've decided I'm just gonna make sure I do everything I can to be a better me and check off my 2015 ABCs.

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