Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Saturday, September 27, 2014
I cut tonight.. for the first time in months, I cut myself. I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted to stop myself so bad. Bill told me he plans to marry this woman and last night told me he had a one night stand with some random chick he met at a store. I am so disapointed in him. I can't believe he has done this. That he is going to marry this woman e has never met and has only known for a couple weeks... all because he wants to be married. He told me he doesn't love her and yet is going to marry her... this made me over the edge sad... upset... hurt... and so many other things all at once.
What happened to the man I looked up to for 8 years? What happened to the man that swore he'd never marry someone he didn't love. Held marriage high and with great honor...? I missed him.... but this isn't the real him. It's a fake shell of someone I used to know. and I don't like it.
I had plans with Sheryl today to try and cuddle and have some us time... but that didn't happen. She never moved from the computer. :( I just want affection. I miss the feeling that I'm needed, loved, and desired. I don't feel pretty... I don't even feel.... attractive in the least.
Nobody ever touches me anymore without me hinting at it. Nobody wants me.
I can't wait for my next counselor appointment. I'm..... I'm just going to hope she has some good ideas on how to deal with this all. Because I'm lost and can't think of what to do and I feel like that little girl in a room that nobody will come into because nobody wants to play with me.
I miss feeling like I'm wanted. I don't feel like Sheryl wants me... not like I used to feel it. She used to hug or kiss me randomly, she stopped...
she used to try hard to get me to lay next to her... she stopped...
I hate sleeping on the couch, I truly do.
I slept in the bed with Bryan last night... it was nice, but, he still has some learning to do.. I'm so frustrated by all of this... I'm horny all the time and can't fix it because nothing helps... I have vibrators and they don't help, I have tried... they only work for a few minutes and then I'm right back up there again.... If I had sex as much as I've been wanting to lately then everyone in this house would think I'm a whore. I think about it constantly. I mean... all the time.... I can't think of anything else most of the time, because I can't get past the horny. I'm so nervous about this procedure ... this vaginal mesh bladder sling thing that the dr wants me to get... I... I'm scared... He said we need to schedule it next week... He was adamant about it too.... I tried getting him to schedule it for the week after next, but he really wants to do it next week... I'm so worried something will happen that I'm just freaking out...
My panic attacks are getting worse each day. I had 4 today alone. I can't handle this much more.
I've applied at a few places to work, but can't find another job. My phone got turned off, so I need a new one and can't afford it... My bills are piling up around me and I have no money to pay them. Something has got to give here because I can't deal with this much longer.... I need to feel like my hopes and dreams and needs matter too... really soon.... because I can't just ignore my needs forever... it'll break me, and I'll end up dying inside... and Eryn needs me.
I think I am going to go take a bath for a while... maybe my vibrator will help me tonight for more than just to postpone it for five minutes...
Friday, September 26, 2014
Bill has started messaging me again a lot. and I'm not going to lie... there's a lot of feelings still there... but the things he said... when everything went down he hurt me hard. I am so behind on schoolwork, I think I have to buckle down and stop letting other people distract me so much.
I have figured out that I have issues with holding things in too long and then when they finally come out they explode. Bill told me today that his girlfriend proposed to him... I mean.. doesn't anyone hold marriage sacred anymore?? She has been "dating" him for two weeks now... that's not long enough to marry someone...
He says he told her no
but I don't know what;s gotten into him lately.
I don't know why this bothers me so much. I love Sheryl and I love Bryan... but... I don't know... I know I still love Bill... I still have love for him, and Allan too. I can;t just leave Sheryl and Bryan and go back to Bill... I can't.. but I don't like the pang of hurt when I hear he's considering marriage to someone so.... new..
I can't help but feel like I caused all of this..
I'm going to talk to Sheryl about things tonight some if she gets off the computer with time to talk... I need someone to talk to me and just listen. Pay attention to how I feel and... be here for me.
Birdie Lou'
Thursday, September 25, 2014
But that's okay, because Eryn and Micah slept almost all day too.. so I was able to get a nap because I haven't been sleeping well lately. I get maybe 2 hours a night if I'm lucky and force myself to sleep.. I'm hoping that something breaks soon because I'm exhausted. I'll be sleeping on the couch tonight again, but only because Bryan has to work tomorrow and Sheryl is already in the bed.
I'm going to be going to DSHS tomorrow to REapply for food stamps. Bryan said he'd walk me through it so I have help.
I have realized a lot lately that I start cerying for no reason if I don't keep my mind occupied and over worked. It's weird, and I'm going to be talking to my counselor about it on Wednesday next week. I don't like it. I mean... it's not normal...
I'm so far behind in school that I'm going to be trying to get my work caught up and soon, so I might not write tomorrow, but I might try anyhow. We shall see...
I'm also going to go to a temp agency to see if I can handle job search. My phone got turned off because I can't pay it due to having no money or income... so I'm hoping that maybe I can do temp work and not have to worry about my panic attacks.
I'm not sure how well it's going to work, but I have to try.
Well, I'm so tired.. I think I might get sleep tonight... I'm going to go lay down and get comfy... nighty night...
Birdie Lou'
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
She has a procedure tomorrow so I was going to not even bother about her sleeping on the couch, just let her have the bed since she has the thing tomorrow for the essure thing, but she decided to sleep on the couch and let me sleep in the bed... we are going to watch a few episodes of Shameless and then head to bed... good night :)
Birdie Lou'
Monday, September 22, 2014
Birdie Lou'
Birdie Lou'
Birdie Lou'
Sunday, September 21, 2014
I've also started getting notifications from Meetme saying that Bill has been looking at my profile....
I'm not sure how I feel about this... part of me is happy, the other part.... upset and.... just... I don't know. I do still care about him and love him... but I love Bryan and Sheryl too...
Why can't anything for me be easy? :(
Birdie Lou'
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Sheryl was arrested! She and her mother were screaming and fighting and then all of a sudden BAM! She started hitting her and then the cops were called and Sheryl was taken to jail! The cops talked to me and I told them what happened... After she was done talking to them, they told us that she was going to be arrested, I ran outside and gave her a hug and a kiss and stalled as long as I could. I had called Bryan and gotten him home in time to say goodbye. The cops told us that she won't be able to see a judge until Monday!! :(
I'm so scared, what's gonna happen!> Her mom called Taea ugly and was putting her down and this all started because I told her mom that she needed to start pulling some weight around here. Her chores are kitchen, bedroom, and the rule is no smoking in the kids rooms... :( She... It was horrible! Bryan and I are going to take the kids to Chuck E Cheese for dinner tonight... something to get them out of the house, Bryan away from Sheryl's mom, and a place where I can clear my head and think..
I have to make sure I stay calm, because Bryan looks like he's gonna lose it. :(
I have to stay calm.... I can do this... Fixing to leave soon... ttyl
Birdie Lou'
Friday, September 19, 2014
Idk what to do... :'(
Okay... So... I was being emotional one day and told Bryan that I really regret having my tubes tied.
Because I want another baby. And he told me that since my tubes are tied that if need to find out IF it could be reversed before that discussion could be had. Then I told Sheryl that bry and I had sort of talked about it and she got mopey. She said that she would feel... (I can't remember the word she used) like... Useless... Or.. Something like that. Basically... Sad. (I think). So we had the half assed discussion with all three present and she got upset that we "talked about it" without her. I let her know that it wasn't discussed. Because idk if it can even be reversed so there was no real discussion. I let her know that it wasn't discussed. Because idk if it can even be reversed so there was no real discussion. Well.. I got off the phone and told Sheryl that the dr is gonna look to see if it can be reversed.. This will cause the need for another three way conversation..
If it can't be reversed.. We would need to discuss if we are all three okay with me saving up or trying IVF...
If it CAN be reversed... We all three need to discuss how everyone feels about this and see if we can come to an agreement that works for everyone involving the possibility of reversal.
And now I don't know what to do. :(
But if I have one.... I'm scared she'll ..... Like.... Hate me. And what if it can't even be undone. ..?
I'll be crushed and probably just give up. I.... I just want her support in this. But she's made it clear she won't. I feel...
Should I just squash that dream?
Or let the dr look and risk the choices of
A.) disappointing myself finding out it can't be undone.
B.) making her upset if it can be and she doesn't want to support...
C.) find out it can be undone and then deciding not to, to make her happy, and in turn, making myself unhappy.
Am I wrong? I mean.... For continuing to research even though I know she doesn't want any more? :(
I'm just afraid I'm gonna make the wrong choice and hurt her.
I just don't want anyone to get hurt. None of the three. :(c
Thursday, September 18, 2014