
love you two too .. BOTH of you walked out with saying even bye -.-

hurt my feelings.
I'm in pain too. I'm tired
I realize yours is bad. I'm
not upset about that.
But snapping at us wasn't
I tried keeping her out

hurt mine with that "what do you want me to do" shit when 1) I wasn't
talking to you I was answering Bry's question and 2) I never said
"Bridgette you need to do something about this"

do love you. But this snapping daily things has to stop. It hurts.

does you and him ignoring me when you're here.. you snapped at me day before
yesterday too walked out the house slamming doors and everything but it's okay
for YOU and HIM to snap?
but I do it and I'm the bad
fine.. I just won't talk

never said you did. But a persons normal reaction when being screamed at for
something... Like you were.... Is to assume you're upset that it happened and I
need to stop that from happening.
But I've tried.

neither of you wil have to worry about me snapping when I wasn't this morning
to begin with until HE snapped at me ACCUSING me of snapping when I hadn't even
he said "Why are you
up? there was no yelling or anything" So I did what I do EVERY TIME I get
woken up you know the shit that usually makes you BOTH laugh.. and he fucking
YELLED at me and asked me why I had an atittude when I hadn't even said 2
fucking words yet
so he got the attitude he
accused me of

other day. I didn't snap. I got aggravated.. Interrupted... And then you rolled
your eyes at me after blowing off everything I said and then instead of repeating
myself I just decided to drop it and go to walmart. Because it doesn't feel
like you listen when I talk about things because you're always interrupting me.

like I said it's good for YOU TWO to snap at me I don't even HAVE to do
aNYTHING and get fucking accused of of having attitude.. YOU interupt me too..
so does he.. but it's okay for you two to do the shit I don't anything you two
don't do yet I'm the ONLY one ever fucking ostrocized for it

snapped at me first NO fucknig reason I hadn't even SAID anything yet
but you didn't say
"Bry why are snapping at her?"
Nope you didn't say a fucking
word until I gave him the attitude he snapped at me accusing me of having then
it was to snap at me for giving his attitude back to him

don't ignore you when I'm there by the way. The past couple days I've been
busting my ass to do homework. I got two hours of sleep night before last. Then
that impromptu nap. And last night I may have gotten three hours of sleep. But
I'm not snapping at anyone. Not talking in tones that come across angry and
loud. . All I heard was "why are you awake" calmly asked you. And
then you started talking loudly and "screaming" about eryn.

YOUR fault you're behind on homework because you weren't doing it when you were
supposed to that's not anyone else's fault all them fucking nights we were up
watching 4-5 episodes of Shameless you could have been your homework.. YOU
don't see it I DO my attitude reflects what's tossed at me.. you don't like how
I'm talking listen to how YOU are

I've told everyone in that house that interrupting me is one of my biggest pet
peeves. When I tried talking to you that one night.... You wouldn't let me
finish a thought to save my life.
But... If I get interrupted
I say something and ask it stopped.
And I expect the same when
I interrupt someone.

didn't talk at all when he asked me why I was awake I put my face an inch from
his and stared at him like I always do when you two ask me why I'm up
then he said "why do
you have an attitude" I hadn't even fucking spoken but I had an attitude

I never.... Ever blamed anyone else but me on my homework...

I gave him the atttitude he already accused me of having
nice to know I don't even have
to talk to have an attitude

your face inches away from I someone is rude. And comes across as attitudinal.

it is when Eryn does it too

you could have calmly said "eryn staring at me again."

AGAIN no one said shit to her for doing it

I've had talks with her.
You've yelled at her.
Bry has asked her not to

was standing there and not one of you said "Eryn why were staring at sheryl
when she was asleep?"
you both focused on this
attitude that HE created.. and ignored the fact that that girl wouldn't know a
fucking boundary if it slapped her in the fucking face

NEVER spoken to Eryn about her doing this shit but you KNOW it irks the fucks
out of me.. but not once when I've TOLD you she does the shit have you spoken
to her when she's done it.. so don't tell me "I've talked to her"
when? HOURS after the fact when she doesn't remember doing it? but like I
said.. whatever my attitude today is your guys' fault.. you created it since I
snapped and an attitude before I even spoke

does Taea or Micah.

two and I tell him not to the shit he does wrong when he does it.. Taea I yell
at EVERYTIME she fucks up
or ground her ass to her
fucking room
I tried the discipline
thing with Eryn she doesn't like me nor does she see me as anything but
"Taea's mom" so I gave up.. you and Bry need to handle her discipline
cause she just ignores me when I try

gets spanked. Damn near beaten by me at times I feel...
Grounded. Has things taken
away. And it doesn't work... She's not normal.. I keep telling you this and you
blow me off...
Your mental issues are
real. Mine are real. Taea's are real. But eryns are pretend and I'm babying

HAVE tried talking to her about the staring at me shit she doesn't care what
the fuck I say... She'll just glare at me when I mention it.. I'm honestly
starting to believe she does the shit on purpose cause she knows she won't get
in trouble for it

you know that toe walking is a HUGE sign of autism??

you know ALL kids toe-walk?

even if Micah's autistic it's not a big deal.. according to you Eryn's been
EXACTLY how is her ENTIRE life.. Micah's a fucking SAINT compared to how Taea
was at his age.. sorta.. she didn't get bad bad until she turned 4 but by then
the people we were with her beating her and blaming everything their kid on her
so she stopped being good all together...

he doesn't toe-walk all the time btw.. he does it a lot but not all the time..
I've talked to his dr about it since he started walking but just like his
pooing issue she brushed it off
but like I said whatever..
I'm the bad guy I do ALL the wrong.. all attitudes I have are for absolutely no
reason.. whatever. I'm done with this convo.. I have shit to do

Micah does it. And apparently you say Taea did too.
All kids toe walk. Yes. But
not after 2
Not at almost 3
Most... Not all... But
most... Of the things eryn does.. Are compulsive.

did it till he was almost 4
Taea did it till around
then too
I couldn't even walk
properly till I was 5
and no adhd is NOT on the
autism spectrum I asked the child psychologist where Annie is

know two are fucking HILARIOUS.. whether or not you have or not.. you CAN do
something about your sexual frustration.. I can't but you guys don't even take
that into consideration.. not the fact that it's been four fucking months since
I've had sex because of this bleeding shit.. not that this cyst which has never
bothered me is now doing nothing but hurting me.. not that I have 2 surgeries
within a 30 day period.. should I seriously be fucking sunshine and flowers?
well sorry I can't be any more than you two can.. but it's okay.. to make sure
I don't give you two attitudes I apparently can't control.. I'll just avoid you
both.. you focus on your homework.. I'll handle WPP and what I need done.. and
we'll revisit my atittude when I'm not bleeding to death anymore

There you go again.

I don't know what the fuck else to do
no matter WHAT I do you and
him claim I have an attitude when I don't
so I'm making it simple
I'm going to avoid you both
until I'm not bleeding to death.. until this fucking cyst is gone and not
feeling like a fucking ball in my hip joint.. and when I'm better

I sexually frustrated? The previously nearly clinically diagnosed nympho that
used to have sex 9-10 times a day in between masturbating.. I've been trying
everything I can to make your shit easier.. Everything. The reason Bryan and I
haven't done anything is because we are being considerate of you..

and I discussed it... And out of consideration of you... We haven't.

you aren't because YOU have attitudes you two apparently don't fucking SEE
I'd rather you two fucking
fuck like rabbits than keep blaming every god damn fucking attitude on ME like
you two are fucking saints
neither of you see how you
fucking talk to me
neither of you see how
you've been treating me
and I haven't said SHIT
because I'm not stupid and I understand.. so I let the shit go
but I don't even say a
fucking WORD and get snapped at and accused of having an attitude and snapping

attitude... Has nothing to do with sex... My attitude has everything to do with
the fact that I don't feel like I'm contributing, like I'm using you guys, like
eryn can't do anything right, and that I've been on a couch for a WEEK. you
don't say goodnight anymore. You don't say I love you FIRST anymore. You sit in
your bubble and ignore everything it feels like...
You were supposed to be off
on Sundays... Two Sundays in a row and you decided that it wasn't important to
spend family time.. That you just HAD to do computer from waking till
sleeping.. And that hurts Sheryl.. A lot.

YOU going to post the teasers?
hell you don't even fucking
MAKE them on tiem
but I'm supposed to rely on
you to post them?

didn't have teasers this week because I was too sick to breathe!
You're sick.... I get it...
But you can still smoke.

sorry if I don't want to sit around watching fucking movies
it's not like you two don't
do this shit

I try it hurts. My lungs seize.

don't like sitting around doing nothing
it's not YOU tell me you
love me anymore either
but you tell HIM you do
EVERY fucking chance you get

we could have gone out and gone hiking before we had the diagnosis.
Or played games maybe.. Or
some crafts with the kids... Anything but blocking us all out for role
playing... Which is what you do...
You have no problems
flirting with Jenny and shit... But you
don't flirt with me anymore...

my asshole seven yr old
lost half the pieces to every game we own
I flirt with everyone.. you
don't even really talk to me on here and I'm not good flirting in person x.X

what you don't realize is... Light flirting is okay with me... But I'm a VERY
jealous person. And the flirting you do bothers me. It makes me jealous.
But do I bother telling
you? No. Because you'll defend it and blow me off.

flirt too

I try talking to you, I have to repeat myself because you weren't listening.
9:19am CuAnam Policar

I bat my eyelashes and make comments. And I was trying to get money to help out
around the house… we needed things..

try to use MY flirting as a weapon when you're telling EXES you fucking love
them Bridgette

I was only doing that to try and get shit..
I'm not using it as a
I don't expect you to
change. You don't see anything wrong with it.

the same excuse with the flirting you do with william too right?

knew I was lying to bill.
With William I
That's about it.

right I don't you had no problem with me doing it when you met me you shouldn't
have a problem with me doing it now
it's not like it means any
fucking thing I flirt with EVERYONE on here I always have

had no problem with you flirting with me.
Flirting has a fine line.

flirting with Jenny never goes beyond the occasional nibble LOL

not the only person you do it with… She's just the only one who's name I know.

never gone beyond that LOL with anyone really
cept Raven I'll
occasionally -molest- him out of boredom or when he's upset and he needs to not

role playing hurts me too. Ya know.

your SOL on that
I've been RP since I was 19

can't get you to cuddle me. But you'll cyber fuck four people.
That hurts

don't cuddle -.-


I don't play girl characters


when I wasn't bleeding to death

cuddled me.

kinda hard to do much of any fucking thing when all the fuck I do is bleed
every god damn where -.-

the fact that you're a male "character" makes no difference.
I'm not saying have sex.
Because that's a chore. Even before the bleeding.. It was a chore. You acted
like you didn't really wanna.
I'm saying sit next to me
and hold my hand.
Give me a hug for no
I stopped because I was
sick and didn't want you sick.. So I tried keeping my distance.
But you're sick anyways and
now you're always angry.

just as guilty of the lack of affection shit as I am
but AGAIN I'm the bad guy
everything my fucking fault
I get it

stopped when it felt unwanted.
Then I got sick

cause the ONLY I had a problem with was you trying to molest me out where the
kids can see
which no matter how many
times I said anything you ignored that it made me uncomfortable

didn't act any different while the kids were asleep then you didn't while they
were up.

isn't true.. but like I said fine EVERYTHING'S my fault
I told you I get it


see scroll up and fucking read Bridgette

been trying to ignore a lot of this.

fucking thing is my fault
I get it
I'm a horrible person.. I
don't need to be in relationships fine whatever

sorry I came here and made your life harder.
I love you

love you too.. I'm just done being the root of all evil to you two

not how it is...
I feel like I'm not getting
Didn't worry about it. I'll
just file it

what you've been saying you and him have done "no" wrong everything's
my fault

not trying to place blame on anything.

trying my damnedest to tell you things that are hurting me. And getting
ignored. It doesn't need to be a fight.
I just want someone to pay
attention and listen and understand and just... Just... *shrugs* I don't know...
Be willing to try... Willing to work together and try...

it involves change.
Both... All three of us
being willing to change some...
And it'll never happen.
It'll just be a huge fight.

I have been.. but placing everything on my shoulders is shitty.. yes I RP you
knew this before you got with me.. Bry used to too until he started playing
DAoC.. I'm not going to change that just because while you didn't have a
problem with it before you got here you now you do

did actually
It just didn't affect me
like this much
When I wasn't here.
I didn't know you did it
all day
I thought it was only at

you need to understand it's something I do to vent.. to think.. to be
creative... and it IS only at night I don't RP till between 5-6 at night..
sometimes later it depends when people log on and it's not all sex LOL there's
actual story line to it since it follows my books

pay attention to them... You're always typing on AIM. Always talking to
everyone else...

I and out here you used to message me randomly and say I love you.
I realize you're working...
And that turning around to talk distracts you..
But simple things make my
day... A message that says I love you.
A kiss on the head.
Touching my shoulder. Running fingers in my hair... Tiny minuscule things.

used to do them…

it my fault you put headphones in? I DO talk to you ask Bry but I never realize
you don't hear me cause you have headphones in
so I toss pennies to get
your attention which you bitch about that too so I stopped doing it unless it
was something important I needed to tell you

put in headphones when it's schoolwork.
Because it's important

do it for WPP work and everything else too
you've been doing it since
before you went back to online school

this speaker stuff drives me nuts cause I have to turn it way up cause I'm 3/4
I do the headphones
whenever I need to concentrate hard on something.

is ALL the time Bridgette
99% of the time you're at
your PC which is for just as long if not longer than I'm at mine you have
headphones in

backed off a lot.
I use headphones because whenever I don’t there’s too much distraction and I
can’t concentrate…
I've stopped and set time
I've tried. I'm trying.
Later that day……..

sayyyyed... I loves youuu

love you too I didn't hear you honest to god I didn't even know you left yet

you were looking right at me. Lol

doesn't mean I heard anything my ears are ringy and stuffed it's why I keep
asking what when people speak I honestly can't hear shit

having any information about my tubes. How do you feel about having another
I worded it that way
because we are all three in this together. So if I have a baby, it's yours,
mine, and Bry's...

honestly don't want any kids the ones we have drive me fucking batty
but it's not my decision to

partly yours to make. Partly mine. And partly Bry's.

I don't want a vote or you and him not to do it because I don't want it my
opinion really doesn't count we've been through this

feel it does…
Seen 8:28pm
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