Friday, September 19, 2014


Idk what to do... :'(

Okay... So... I was being emotional one day and told Bryan that I really regret having my tubes tied.

Because I want another baby. And he told me that since my tubes are tied that if need to find out IF it could be reversed before that discussion could be had. Then I told Sheryl that bry and I had sort of talked about it and she got mopey. She said that she would feel... (I can't remember the word she used) like... Useless... Or.. Something like that. Basically... Sad. (I think). So we had the half assed discussion with all three present and she got upset that we "talked about it" without her. I let her know that it wasn't discussed. Because idk if it can even be reversed so there was no real discussion. I let her know that it wasn't discussed. Because idk if it can even be reversed so there was no real discussion. Well.. I got off the phone and told Sheryl that the dr is gonna look to see if it can be reversed.. This will cause the need for another three way conversation.. 

If it can't be reversed.. We would need to discuss if we are all three okay with me saving up or trying IVF... 

If it CAN be reversed... We all three need to discuss how everyone feels about this and see if we can come to an agreement that works for everyone involving the possibility of reversal. 

And now I don't know what to do. :( 

But if I have one.... I'm scared she'll ..... Like.... Hate me. And what if it can't even be undone. ..? 

I'll be crushed and probably just give up. I.... I just want her support in this. But she's made it clear she won't. I feel... 

Should I just squash that dream? 

Or let the dr look and risk the choices of

A.) disappointing myself finding out it can't be undone. 

B.) making her upset if it can be and she doesn't want to support...  

C.) find out it can be undone and then deciding not to, to make her happy, and in turn, making myself unhappy. 

Am I wrong? I mean.... For continuing to research even though I know she doesn't want any more? :(


I'm just afraid I'm gonna make the wrong choice and hurt her. 

I just don't want anyone to get hurt. None of the three. :(c

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