Wednesday, May 8, 2024


Part One: 

 When I was asking and begging and trying to get you to move up here I was doing so under the impression that you had the same goals. 

Family. Home. Work. Like… building a life. 

And that the things holding you back was your parents. And Danielle. And I tried for such a long time trying to convince you that you could do all those things and I’d help you if you just moved here. Because you’d have the freedom to do those things and not be stuck at home under your mother’s thumb. Stuck in a relationship you swore wasn’t a relationship. 

But you hesitated. And then You cheated on me with two different people and lied to me about it. As if I was going to be dumb enough to believe that the hickeys on your chest were just seat belt bruises. 

And I tried to forget. Tried to believe that if I just moved you out here that Lyn would have a better life. That you would be so happy to have the support and belief that you could do everything that you made me believe you wanted. 

I thought that even with wanting to do gaming, that you actually wanted to go out and get a traditional payroll job in the meantime and eventually, as income allowed, move to gaming a a profession possibly. 

The realistic way. 

And then you left me. All because you decided that my loud in your face support was too much. You left me to be with Meaghan or however you spell it… because she wanted you to sit on your ass and play video games and she wanted to be in Danielle’s position. She was hoping that you’d kick out Danielle and she could move in and life would be made. 

But I wanted you to succeed. So after I got that email I broke. I was so devastated. I tried to leave you alone. That’s what you wanted.. that’s what you said you wanted… fine. I sent you the bus tickets and told you to do whatever with them. 

But my whole life I’ve missed you. Missed what I ran away from. Regretted leaving. 

I even told everyone I ever got together with that if I ever had the chance to have you back, they’d have to take a backseat or leave. Because I would choose you. 

And then I actually got the chance. And I thought I was doing everything right. Tried supporting your dreams of gaming. Thinking that the reason you weren’t trying to get out of the house to work was your parents. Your sister. The house you were in not supporting you leaving the house. Keeping you stifled. I thought if I gave you that confidence that you would do so well. Like.. you wanted it. You just didn’t have the ability based on the people keeping you stuck there.  

Then slowly I started to see that you didn’t really mean some of the things you said before moving up here. You’d be content with me working a full time job and you sitting at home playing video games trying to turn it into a lucrative venture if my job could support the whole house without question or struggle. 

You made me feel through your actions that you weren’t interested in actually being the grown up you told me you wanted to be before you moved here. You started to make me feel like you’d be completely content idolizing Snow White (which is why I say that so often.. I think Snow White is so basic… she’s famous for housework and being pretty for no reason) I get told you idolize 40-50s housewives and then you sit around and allow the house to go to shit around you. 

Your side of the bed builds up and up and up and it doesn’t seem to bother you until I’m over there tossing shit and having a temper tantrum about it.  

We spend hundreds of dollars on our nails each month for the past year and you’ve been completely content just getting your nails done and just sitting back letting me take care of you. 

You used to say you’re not on social media all the time but you were on it constantly. And it got to me after a while. So I started backing off. But I’m constantly afraid that if I don’t take care of you. And if I don’t do everything in the world for you that you’ll cheat on me again. Find someone else online or whatever way you found Meaghan and the other several people you’d been with, and leave me for someone more well off. Someone who can take care of you. 

I felt used. And the thought of bringing it up made me nauseous. I have been terrified that if I brought up negative things ….serious things… not like. Household things.. but like…. Real serious issues that were bothering me hardcore, that you’d decide you didn’t want the hard parts, and that you’d rather find someone else or move back to GA where things were easier and you had less responsibility. Everyone else did everything for you. Bills. Household things. Raised Lyn. Like… literally… you were responsible for cooking food here once a night usually, and clean some here and there. Her house isn’t a mess. It’s not actually dirty. It’s her habits she wants done. And her dogs. But literally, you got $$ and never really had to be responsible with it. And sometimes you make me feel like you miss being able to be irresponsible and taken care of. 

So I suck it up. I hold it in. I deal. I just keep doing what I think you want. I try to take care of you and walk on egg shells because the thought of losing you hurts me. Emotionally. 

It scares me. Tbh. Because I know you could find someone to take care of you the way you want and I can’t and then I failed. 

Losing you also means I lose my son. If I leave you, you’ll move back to GA and I’ve lost him too. And that scares me so bad too. 

You constantly ask me if you’re messing up or if you can be doing more. And when I tell you the things you could be doing you acknowledge my words but you don’t follow through. 

So I just do like I do with the kids and suck it up and deal. 

I say things about how I feel and I get trashed for it. I don’t like girly girls… never really have. Never really will. It’s a preference. 

I’m also finding out that I don’t really care for being a Dominant. It should bring me joy to be a Dominant and it doesn’t. It feels like more work and just adds more stress. But if I say this, I’m gonna make sooooo much offense. And I’m gonna get “what about ______” and yeah, I get it… honest… but it’s just a lot of work and it makes me feel like I’m being a parent and that’s not…. It doesn’t make me feel like ….. I find it hard to feel sexual or.. in the mood… when I’m being called Mommy. Idk how to explain it tbh. It’s just… it doesn’t work for me like it should if it was something I was wanting. 

I also have a REALLY hard time seeing females as Dominant to me. That’s why I never actually dare or entertained the general idea of me dating that chick Dawna. She’s Dominant and I just can’t… wrap my head around it. 

But I also haven’t felt like I had a Dominant for a while. You used to check on me with my food and water and mental health and you don’t.  

I don’t think that you honestly know how to be a Dominant aside from FSOG stuff, and that’s fine, but I need structure. I need someone to step up and keep me on task. But also be helping. Be doing things when I’m not looking. When I’m not yelling. 

Last week… I came home from working on no sleep. Told everyone that I was sleeping behind the wheel. Driving and sleeping could have killed me. And others. And I was concerned. So I told you, and everyone else that I was falling asleep driving abs that I needed to sleep. 

You woke me up 45 minutes later trying to have sex. Like…. As if that’s the most important thing. More important than me needing sleep to stay alive. And then when I was falling asleep and stuff you finally “gave up” in your words… and then I got guilt trips because you’re horny and I’m exhausted. 😩 

So now sex is being made to feel like a job all because I can’t feel like I’m even attractive while I’m so tired. 

But all you’ve been focused on was sex. You tell me to cum more often than giving me a forehead kiss. 

I love you so much  but it’s killing me  

I beat myself up for sitting still too long everytime I stop moving. If I’m not earning money, I’m failing. 

If I’m not cleaning the house I’m failing. 

The insects Lovie brought to our house are taking over the house and no one else seems to give a shit. I can’t kill them fast enough  it’s going to take a professional  help  

I’m the only adult that’s doing the hard parenting shit. You’re worried about all the fun stuff and Brittney too…. Too worried about all the fun stuff. Not his hygiene. Not his grades. Not his laziness or lack of giving a dam. About anything that’s not a video game.   

He strives to be Markiplier. He wants to sit around like you did in GA. like you taught him is the best most fun life to live, and play video games all day. .  -_- 

I’m over it  

I just want to be happy. Honest. I’m so tired of not being happy. I’m tired of putting everything I want on the back burner… I am emotionally drained. And you know what? I’m also tired of peer pressure too. I choose me. 

Saturday, April 27, 2024


 I’m just so defeated. Nothing I do works out. Nothing I try ever fucking works! I was supposed to start school in June and now I can’t do that because you were jealous and lost your job. 

I’m not happy. I’m not happy with my life. I’m not happy with my body. I’m just generally not happy. 

I wish I would die. And no.. you reading this… I’m not going to try to end things myself. But if someone else tried to do it for me, I wouldn’t stop them. 

I love my family. I think. Like… idk if I really know what love is at this point tbh. I definitely don’t love myself. I hate my body. I hate that I can’t succeed. I hate that I’m fat. I hate that I can’t support my family. I just literally hate everything. Nothing makes me happy. I have too much stuff in my house to be able to keep it clean the way I KNOW I can if I tried. 

Everyone around me is so freaking lazy. Always an excuse. No one ever takes responsibility for the things they’ve done. Or not done. It’s always an excuse. And I’m so tired of excuses. I need to get my house cleaned. 

I hate video games anymore. They’re a waste of time. They stop me from being productive. I want my house to get back to the way I had it. And I will make it happen if it kills me. 

I don’t even think I want to be in any relationship right now. Honestly, I was doing better when it was just me and my monkey and we just did everything our way. 

My house was never a mess. I was actually making progress mentally. And yeah, SOME things were harder… but not everything. And definitely not my mental state. 

I’m going to put in the calendar that I’m doing certain things each day. I have a plan. And I know what I need to do. I just need to be 100% disciplined about it. I need to rotate my mindset and start doing what needs done no matter who is on board or who isn’t. 

I will not fail again. I am going back to school. I am going to make something of myself. I am going to fix my house up. I am going to figure it all out with or without the rest of the “adults” in my house. 

No more excuses. No more leeway. No more procrastination. No more laziness. 

I’m taking back my life. I’m going back to when I was happy and I’m going to succeed. 

Monday, February 13, 2023


 I hate my red fucking hair. 

I hate my stupid blue eyes. 

I hate my huge fucking body. 

I hate the way I talk. 

I hate the way I think. 

I hate that I don’t do enough. 

I hate me. 

I wish I’d fall asleep and stay there. 

I hate my stupid thin lips. 

I hate my cheek bones. 

I sincerely hate myself. Inside and out. 

Thursday, January 12, 2023


 I am not yelling at anyone. I am not mad or screaming. I am going to make a list of things I have asked various people in this household to do that either hasn’t gotten done when I asked, or I have had to ask multiple times to get anything done with it… This is my list:

The dishes need to be stayed up on, this isn’t an optional thing, I need dishes to stop piling up all day and then sitting overnight. 

cat litter needs to be sifted more than once a day or once every 2-3 days or not sifted at all and then just changed. This is wasting money and I’m tired of wasting money. I literally scrubbed deep cleaning scrubbed the whole laundry room Monday and now it’s Nasty again… 

Laundry: The laundry, I have asked multiple people to change a load or two and get it 100% caught up on a weekend and it never happens and then it piles up and is getting out of control especially knowing that there’s like 4-5 minimum loads upstairs that y’all are neglecting to bring down and wash as I’ve asked and told and asked repeatedly… 

the bathroom keeps becoming more and more cluttered and then I go through and pile through everything and clean the whole thing. This is tiring. 

Everyone is so worried about phones or video games or goofing off or whatever else it is that you all focus on that’s not contributing to the house you all live in and it makes me feel like I’m the only one that cares how the house looks.

Whenever I say something to dad it turns into an argument. 

Whenever I say something to Renny, it turns into an argument

whenever I say something to Lyn or Eryn, I get huffed at or yelled/griped at and so much attitude as if me asking for other people to also clean the house everyone lives in, is unacceptable and how dare I fathom someone else helping. 

Unless you’re wanting money right away and are interested in it, then nobody seems to want to take care of the house they live in. 

NOW, that I have said all this…. I will say this: 

I NEED HELP. I cannot work 40hrs a week, wash all the laundry, eat, cook, clean the bathroom, sift the litter 4-6x a day, clean up the living room, clean the bathroom and change all the trash, wash dishes 3x a day, and have time for anything personal for myself including bathing/showering and sleep. 

If I don’t start getting help all around consistently, I am going to start seeming like I’m only ever grumpy because I’m never going to be able to do anything but be everyone’s maid, which is how I feel when I’m cleaning all the time and everyone around me is playing video games or just hanging out and not helping.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023


 I honestly hate myself at times. Today is one of those days and nothing I do is making it better and if I try to tell someone, I'll either get toxic positivity "You have to look on the bright side" type bullshit, or I'll get made to feel like I'm the bad guy. So again here I go, just smiling and pretending I'm alright when I'm honestly not good, and I'm broken inside and everything's making it worse and I've tried reaching out to people and nothing I say seems to help really. I'm irritable and my house is never going to be clean unless i do it all and I have to work and bring in all the money to support everyone and I have to drive everyone to all the appointments and I have to literally do everything and then I'm unreasonable to expect that someone else is going to sift the cat litter, feed animals, wash dishes and keep them clean throughout the day, wash laundry and not let it get behind.... Things like that, I don't feel like it's an unreasonable thing to expect, but apparently I'm not doing enough for everyone, so I suppose I'll endeavor to do more. Right now I have a migraine that's making me want to puke and it's not dehydration or food because I've had water and food and it's not getting any better, so I might go lay down and pretend the world doesn't exist anymore for a bit. 

Wednesday, November 30, 2022


So, I have been referred to a neurological Opthamologist for my left eye! Apparently the pain I have been having as well as the visual fluctuations are worrisome for the Opthamologist and she wants me seen by someone higher up.

Here's the results of the test: 



Date of Procedure

Technician Information
Imaging Technician: SP.
Left eye completed first. Unable to do gaze tracking via machine for both
eyes, but manually tracked and patient seemed to have steady fixation
during both tests. .

Right Eye

Left Eye

Right Eye

Left Eye
Non-specific defect.

Interval Change
Right Eye

Left Eye

Left eye ( tested firs today): Temporal defect there on pattern and total
deviation- almost gives a clover like appearance -questionable lens rim
defect prev
Today temporal defect improved but still there- Not reliable left eye
false positive 25%, false negative 20%

Friday, November 4, 2022


 So, I checked myself out yesterday after them trying to force me to eat when my bariatric surgeon said "try to eat, if it hurts, stop" But this lady was basically threatening me that if I didn't eat she was going to label me combative. 

So, I checked out like my surgeon said to do and today I had an appt with him and he has scheduled an EGD on tuesday! Until then I am to not eat anything spicy, greasy, acidic, or cold. 

So I'm trying to eat slowly and only as much as my stomach tells me it can handle.

I start a new work at home job Monday and have an upper GI scope on Tuesday and then two surgeries next month.... 

My winter is turning out to be very very busy in addition to trying to do my yearly baking as I always do to sell and make money on the side. 

Wish me luck! and if you're local and interested in purchasing any of these (pictures below) homemade deliciousnesses....... shoot me a message and let me know!!

Thursday, November 3, 2022


 So, I was in contact with my surgeon (the bariatric one) and he said that he wants me to get an EDG done, and since the doctors here are trying to strongarm me into eating and drinking (i don't mean advising, i mean, being downright mean and nearly yelling at me to eat or they'll list me as combative, when the only reason I'm not eating is that it hurts.... a lot...) So, they have the lab run one more tests and then tell me to check out, leave, and go see my surgeon tomorrow so that I can get an EGD scheduled. 

This is the results that came from today before I checked out and went home as they tried to urge me to stay since my potassium is still really low. 


Component Results

ComponentYour ValueStandard RangeFlag
Protein, Total5.4 g/dLL
Albumin3.1 g/dLL
Calcium, Total8.0 mg/dLL
Bilirubin, Total0.2 mg/dL
Alkaline Phosphatase85 U/L
Glucose82 mg/dL
BUN3 mg/dLL
Creatinine0.64 mg/dL
Sodium140 mmol/L
Potassium3.4 mmol/LL
Chloride110 mmol/LH
CO221 mmol/LL
Anion Gap9 mmol/L
Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate118 mL/min/1.73m²

Wednesday, November 2, 2022


 So, the nurses on this floor are mostly alright but a couple of them are QUITE rude.... 

Almost as if I'm an inconvenience being here. Today they tell me my potassium is very low and start me on the fire in my veins....... I mean.... potassium infusions. so that's fun,.. and they did blood work this morning and this was the result. 


Component Results

ComponentYour ValueStandard RangeFlag
Protein, Total6.0 g/dLL
Albumin3.5 g/dLL
Calcium, Total8.4 mg/dLL
Bilirubin, Total0.3 mg/dL
Alkaline Phosphatase94 U/L
Glucose95 mg/dL

BUN8 mg/dL
Creatinine0.64 mg/dL
Sodium142 mmol/L
Potassium3.3 mmol/LL
Chloride113 mmol/LH
CO220 mmol/LL
Anion Gap9 mmol/L
Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate118 mL/min/1.73m²

Tuesday, November 1, 2022


 So, remember me telling you the hospital sent me home with no answers and no help and nothing? So, a week later and I end up going back in and they're JUST as helpful, only this time, I can't eat or drink properly. Pain comes with both. Immense pain. So, by this point, I haven't eaten in 2 days and I can't drink anything, even water... So I go in to the ER AGAIN..... tonight. I make them keep me because if I can't even drink, I'm going to become dehydrated and dehydration is dangerous for me.... being post bariatric patient and all... 

So I have them keeping me, being very insistent. They have put me under observation. Then my test results start to come back in again.... and here they are... 


Component Results

ComponentYour ValueStandard RangeFlag
GLUCOSE UA (POCT)Negative mg/dL
KETONE UA (POCT)Negative mg/dL
PROTEIN UA (POCT)Negative mg/dL


Component Results
ComponentYour ValueStandard RangeFlag
ColorDark YellowA
Glucose, UrineNegative
Bilirubin, Urine1+A
Suggest correlation with clinical findings and serum bilirubin if clinically indicated.
Ketones, UrineTraceA
Specific Gravity, Ur>=1.030H
pH, Urine5.5
Protein, UrineTraceA
Urobilinogen0.2 EU/dL
Leuk Esterase2+A
WBC, Urine11-25 /HPFA
RBC, Urine0-3 /HPF
BacteriaModerate /HPFA
Squamous Epithelial CellsFew /HPF
Non-Squamous Epithelial CellsFew /HPFA

CBC + DIFF - Details

Study Result


This is an appended report. These results have been appended to a previously verified report.

Component Results

ComponentYour ValueStandard RangeFlag
WBC11.00 k/uL
RBC4.39 m/uL
Hemoglobin13.3 g/dL
Hematocrit39.9 %
MCV90.9 fL
MCH30.3 pg
MCHC33.3 g/dL
RDW-CV12.8 %
Platelet Count287 k/uL
MPV10.4 fL
Neut%72.5 %
Abs Neut7.99 k/uLH
Lymph%20.1 %
Abs Lymph2.21 k/uL
Mono%5.4 %
Abs Mono0.59 k/uL
Eosin%1.2 %
Abs Eosin0.13 k/uL
Baso%0.5 %
Abs Baso0.05 k/uL
Immature Gran %0.3 %
Abs Immature Gran0.03 k/uL
NRBC0.0 /100 WBC
Absolute nRBC<0.01 k/uL
Diff TypeAuto


Component Results

ComponentYour ValueStandard RangeFlag
Protein, Total7.4 g/dL
Albumin4.4 g/dL
Calcium, Total9.4 mg/dL
Bilirubin, Total0.3 mg/dL
Alkaline Phosphatase114 U/L
Glucose95 mg/dL

BUN10 mg/dL
Creatinine0.71 mg/dL
Sodium143 mmol/L
Potassium3.1 mmol/LL
Chloride108 mmol/LH
CO222 mmol/L
Anion Gap13 mmol/L
Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate113 mL/min/1.73m²